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Europe Tour 2019



Parvathy Baul will be touring Europe again this summer. EHe will travel through many countries, in order to give a series of concerts, practiceMadhukori, lead several workshops and spend time sharing in the community.

********ITALY // 5th - 7th June********


The 5th edition of the festival "Arcate d'arte"
TTB Teatro TASCABILE di Bergamo
Chiostro del Carmine
Bergamo, Italy

3rd – 12th June

with Parvathy Baul

For the 2019 Contemporary Locus edition, TTB Teatro tascabile di Bergamo and 23/C Art make a radical choice by inviting Parvathy Baul, singer, dancer, painter and storyteller from Bengal: an artist who collects and returns in her practice all the three disciplines. Moments of common life, activities, improvisations and daily actions constitute the logbook of TAD Residency with the support of texts, images and videos that will be uploaded on the social channels of the residency.

TAD residency is a residency project that involves artists from three different disciplines: visual arts, dance and theatre. The project is the result of a collaboration between Contemporary locus, 23/C art and TTB aiming to experiment with trans-disciplinary practices. The residence intends to explore experiences of relationship
and exchange by offering invited artists a coexistence within the co-working space of monastero del Carmine.
– in collaboration with Contemporary Locus


5th – 7th June


with Parvathy Baul


Parvathy Baul will introduce participants to some of the basic elements of Baul practice, which include voice, dance and yoga. The participants will learn some songs and will be introduced to the Baul tradition through the examples that she will show herself during the work.

INFO: no experience required. Cost 100 euros including 1 ticket for the show "Oltre il tempo".

Arcate d’Arte -  TTB Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo

Chiostro del Carmine (TTB), via Colleoni 21, Bergamo Alta // Contact :


8th & 9th June



Parvathy Baul


ARCATE d’ARTE 2019 : The 5th edition of the festival "Arcate d'arte, consonance of theater, culture and art". Its program this year, offers a multidisciplinary TAD residency of artists including Parvathy Baul who will perform at the Del Carmine Monastery. A great interpreter of the Baul tradition, she unites the three disciplines of dance, theater and visual arts.

Chiostro del Carmine (TTB), via Colleoni 21, Bergamo Alta // Contact :

12th june


with Parvathy Baul



Public Studio Visit
Parvathy Baul introduces herself to the public: an opportunity to share stories, to understand more closely the contamination between theatre, dance and visual arts, which are typical of the Indian tradition, and to comprehend the very experience of the residency.
Followed by an aperitif.

Chiostro del Carmine (TTB), via Colleoni 21, Bergamo Alta

info: free admission, no ticket required. Booking recommended at 035.242095,

Programme :

********DENMARK // 16th AU 23th JUNE********


Copenhaguen, Denmark

Sunday 16th June



with Parvathy Baul



This introduction to Baul song and dance is a unique opportunity to become familiar with the tradition of these mystics and itinerant singers, heirs to an ancient path that blends elements of Hindu bhakti tradition, Sahajiya Buddhism, and Sufism. Baul songs describe the longing for union with the Divine.

Parvathy will introduce you to this fascinating world by telling traditional wisdom stories and explaining the deeper meaning of the songs. No prior practice of singing or dance is required to attend the workshop. Everyone is welcome!

Venue: Be-Moved

Suomisvej 2
DK-1927 Frederiksberg C


contact : Christina Legêne

Site internet: 


Festival Transit
Odin Teatret, Ostelbro, Danemark

18th - 23th june



led by Parvathy Baul and Violeta Luna



The workshop will explore dynamic presence and ‘being there/here’. Thematic threads in the workshop will include: body (presence and inner strength, body as subject/object/absence), space (site-specific, spatial relationships, the intervention of public and private space), time (real-time, fictional-time, ritual-time), silence (breathing, internal rhythms, projection, organicity, pause), action (action - reaction). Parvathy will lead participants in basic body movements and footwork, songs and breathing from Baul, which is a yogic practice of songs with dance while also playing musical instruments. It is also a narrative tradition where the storyteller evokes Bhakti in the spectator’s heart through simple stories of love and true surrender.

Parvathy Baul (India) is a singer, painter and storyteller from West Bengal. After receiving her initial music and dance training during her childhood, she studied visual arts at Kala Bhavan, the university founded by Rabindranath Tagore. Her meeting with the living tradition of Baul prompted her to choose the path of self-training in Baul. Since 1995 she has performed in her home state Bengal and all over India and in several international festivals, including Transit 5 on storytelling. Parvathy has organised three editions of Tantidhatri, a Magdalena festival in India.

Violeta Luna is a performance artist/activist. Her work explores the relationship between theatre, performance art and community engagement. Working within a multidimensional space that allows for the crossing of aesthetic and conceptual borders, Violeta uses her body as a territory to question and comment on social and political phenomena. Born in Mexico City, Violeta obtained her graduate degree in acting from the Centro Universitario de Teatro, UNAM and La Casa del Teatro. She has performed and taught workshops extensively throughout Latin America, Europe, Africa, and USA. She is currently a Creative Capital Fellow, a member of The Magdalena Project, and an associate artist of the San Francisco-based performance collectives La Pocha Nostra and Secos & Mojados.

Atelier d’orientation théâtrale. (Deadline for applications : 12 May)


Tel : +45 9742 4777  Mail :

Site internet :

!! Download the Programme FRANCE HERE !!
********FRANCE // 29th JUNE********
Théâtre du Soleil
La Cartoucherie
Paris, France

Saturday 29th June

Madhukori : Honey Gathering


Parvathy Baul


An evening fundraiser for the construction of "Sanatan Siddhashram", an educational center Parvathy founded in 2017 to help renew and preserve of the Baul tradition. Creating a center of this kind is a mission entrusted to Parvathy Baul by her Guru, Sri Sanatan Das Takur Baul. Parvathy's international travels serve the purpose of raising funds for this task, including her European tour this summer.

At the beginning, a short video will be shown that presents this the center in a few images and offers a glimpse of the activities that are already taking place.

There will be a snack bar outside, in front of the theater. It will be open one hour before and remain open until one hour after the end of the concert. A free shuttle will run between the Cartoucherie and the Château de Vincennes metro.

This event, organised by the volunteers of Sérénade aux Étoiles association, is supported by Ariane Mnouchkine's Théâtre du Soleil, which provides the venue free of charge and has generously allowed all proceeds to be donated to the Sanatan Siddhashram project as well as the Collectif Echo.

The Madhukori: Honey Gathering will be preceded by an Indian dance performance by Kathakali girls at 20:00, separate booking required.


20 /15 /12 /9 €


Théâtre du Soleil - Cartoucherie

2 route du Champ de Manœuvre 75012 PARIS


Théâtre du Soleil 01 43 74 24 08 - Sérénade aux étoiles 07 74 25 77 86 ou

On line ticketing : )



********ITALY // 2nd JULY********


Science and Nonduality conference (SAND)
Titignano Castle
Orvieto, Italy

Tuesday 2nd July


Parvathy Baul


Parvathy Baul will sing for the opening ceremony of the SAND conference in Orvieto, Italy.
The annual Science and Nonduality gathering (SAND) in Italy is six inspiring days with scientists, philosophers, spiritual teachers, and artists.

For information about the tickets for the concert only please write to :

Website :

********FRANCE // 5th-14th JULY********


Seminar "Tradition of Bauls of Bengal",
Concert & Song and Movements workshop
Association A Ciel Ouvert
Domaine de Chardenoux, Bruailles, France

Friday 5th July



Parvathy Baul 


Parvathy Baul transmits the Baul tradition at the request of her gurus. She is internationally renowned as a musician and is a visual artist as well. She is currently traveling to raise funds for the construction of an educational center to compile archives of the Baul tradition, now threatened by modernization. She received this task from her Guru, Sri Sanatan Das Baul.

Contact : // ‪03 85 60 09 89


 6th & 7th Juillet 



with Parvathy Baul

This introduction to Baul song and dance is a unique opportunity to become familiar with the tradition of these mystics and itinerant singers, heirs to an ancient path that blends elements of Hindu bhakti tradition, Sahajiya Buddhism, and Sufism. Baul songs describe the longing for union with the Divine.

Parvathy will introduce you to this fascinating world by telling traditional wisdom stories and explaining the deeper meaning of the songs. No prior practice of singing or dance is required to attend the workshop. Everyone is welcome!

Seminar: until friday 5th july at 5:00pm to sunday 7th july at 5:00pm

Venue : Domaine de Chardenoux

71500 Bruailles, France

Ticket price and registration : // ‪03 85 60 09 89

More informations here : 


Espace Saône & Soi
Lyon, France

Tuesday 9th July 

Madhukori : Honey Gathering


Parvathy Baul


An evening  fundraiser for the construction of "Sanatan Siddhashram", an educational center Parvathy founded in 2017 to help renew and preserve of the Baul tradition.

In this intimate space Parvathy will sing, dance and  give short explanations of the meaning of the songs.

At the beginning, a short video will be shown that presents this the center in a few images and offers a glimpse of this singular place and the activities that are already taking place.

Creating a center of this kind is a mission entrusted to Parvathy Baul by her Guru, Sri Sanatan Das Takur Baul. Parvathy's international travels serve the purpose of raising funds for this task, including her European tour this summer.  

An informal exchange with Parvathy and the volunteers involved in the project will take place around an informal dinner, brought by all, shared after the songs. 

This event, organised by the volunteers of Sérénade aux Étoiles association, is supported by Bénédicte Pinard, which provides the venue free of charge and has generously allowed all proceeds to be donated to the Sanatan Siddhashram project.


Recommended pre-registration, the number of places being limited to 50.

Ticket prices : 20/15/12€

Venue : Espace Saône et Soi - 88 Quai de Pierre-Scize - 69005 Lyon, France

Website :

Informations, registrations : ou 07 74 25 77 86

On line ticketing


Chapelle Saint Félix
Châteauneuf-du-Vernoux (près de Valence)
Thursday 11th july
" Women and voices of India "
Double exceptional concert
Parvathy Baul & Emmanuelle Martin
8:30 pm

Parvathy Baul → Songs and dance of Bengal

Emmanuelle Martin → Carnatic Songs of Southern India

Dining aperitif from 7pm

Venue: Chapelle St Félix Châteauneuf-de-Vernoux

Prieuré Saint-Félix, Lieu-dit Saint-Félix 07240 Châteauneuf-de-Vernoux

Ticket prices : 15/ 12€ 

Informations, registrations : | 07 77 06 15 31 |


Retreat with Parvathy Baul and Emmanuelle Martin
La Belle Terre, Saint-Romain-de-Lerps, France


12th - 14th July

Crossing of traditions : Baul and Carnatic


with Parvathy Baul & Emmanuelle Martin 

This summer, Emmanuelle Martin is pleased to invite Parvathy Bâul for a three-day retreat focusing on the musical and spiritual disciplines of India.

Parvathy, master performer and teacher of the Baul tradition, will share songs, dance and poetry of this mystical path. Her work offers us a taste of this ancient practice which originated in Bengali, in the northeast region of India.

Emmanuelle will share Carnatic singing, a sacred musical tradition of southern India to which she has been devoted for fifteen years. Ten of those years she spent in India studying with one of the great masters of this tradition, Shri T.M Krishna.

These different traditions have as a common point the evocation of another dimension, that of the sacred. Both offer profound wisdom regarding the relationship to song, voice, dance, human possibility, and a deeper relationship to life itself.

The three days retreat will include dialogue in which Parvathy and Emmanuelle speak about their personal journeys, their art forms and their approach to practice. They will offer inspiration regarding devotion to one’s art and invite participants to taste the joy of song, movement, and rejoicing in life, a “golden thread" that connects us all.

This retreat is open to everyyone, but in order to preserve intimacy and depth of work, the number of participants will be limited.

A concert and other activities will be announced soon!

For more information or to register, contact us by writing to

And follow us on Facebook !

About Parvathy Baul: She transmits the Baul lineage of her gurus, Sanatan Das Thakur and Shoshanko Goshai. In addition to her international renown as a singer and performer, she is a painter and printmaker. She is currently traveling to raise funds for Sanatan Siddhashram, a spiritual and educational center she founded to archive and pass on the Baul tradition.


About Emmanuelle Martin: She is known in France in the field of Carnatic music, a sacred musical tradition of South India. After living in India for ten years, where she learned this tradition from Shri TM Krishna, one of the great Carnatic masters, she returned to France in 2014. She now travels between India, France and the United States where she gives concerts, transmits this art, and continues her own practice.

Dates: From 12 to 14 July  2019 (arrival on July 11 at 18h)

Price: 250 euros
Full board at Belle Terre: 210 euros

Venue : La Belle Terre 

510, chemin des Grangeasses

07130 Saint-Romain-de-Lerps, près de Valence, France

Site internet : 

contact :


Suvita Galerie & Espace d’Arts
30430 Saint Jean de Maruéjols et Avéjan
Gard, France

Thursday 18th july

Madhukori : Honey Gathering


Parvathy Baul


An evening  fundraiser for the construction of "Sanatan Siddhashram", an educational center Parvathy founded in 2017 to help renew and preserve of the Baul tradition.

At the beginning, a short video will be shown that presents this the center in a few images and offers a glimpse of this singular place and the activities that are already taking place.

Then, in the intimate space of an art gallery, between its old stone walls, carrying the memory of local history but reborn as a space dedicated to art a few years ago thanks to efforts of the local community, Parvathy will sing, dance and give short explanations of the meaning of the songs.

After the songs, an informal exchange with Parvathy and the volunteers involved in the project will take place around an informal dinner, brought by all, will be shared.

Recommended pre-registration, the number of places limited

Ticket prices : 20/15/12€

Venue: Suvita Galerie & Espace d’Arts Terres de Barry 30430 Saint Jean de Maruéjols et Avéjan

Informations, registrations : ou 07 74 25 77 86

On line ticketing

********SPAIN // 24th- 28th JULY********

BRIDGES 2019, International Theater Residence
The theatre meet the community
July 18th till 29th 2019
Led by : Gregorio Amicuzi (Spain-Italy)
Viviana Bovino (Spain-Italy)
Guest master : Parvathy Baul (Kerala-India) – Baul singer.
Organized by :
Residui Teatro and  Centro de Artesanía de las Artes Escénicas

in Oñati (Basque Country, Spain)

24th - 28th July

Baul singing, dance and theater


with Parvathy Baul

Brigdges is a traveling theater laboratory that takes the form of a ten-day residency (90 hours of training). In its fourth edition, Bridges reaffirms the desire to create a bridge between theater and the local community, by offering two parallel spaces, one of intensive and creative research for the actor-dancer, the other,  of interaction and creation with the local community.



The laboratory will reflect on the work processes of the actor / dancer, focusing on 4 axes :

- The bridge between formation and creation;

- The bridge between the different disciplines;

- The bridge between Eastern and Western theatrical cultures;

- The bridge between the theater and the community.


In addition to the laboratory will take place:

a concert by Parvathy Baul and a workshop led by the artist on the theme "Baul singing, dance and theater"


The price of the residence and 315 euros (accommodation, food and transport included)

For more details and information:


tlf: 0034 648665194

Registration and Payment Deadline: July 4, 2019

********ITALY // 29th JULY - 2nd AUGUST********
Residency DANZARE LA TERRA "The inner Journey"
Corsano, Italy

29th July - 2nd August

Back again this year, the 15th edition of DANZARE LA TERRA “The inner journey” - an artistic and didactic residential laboratory directed by Maristella Martella, with teachers from the Scuola Tarantarte and Parvathy Baul as a special guest. As the most recognized woman Baul performer in the world, Parvathy Baul is a practitioner, performer and teacher of the Baul tradition from Bengal, India as well as the founder and director of the Tantidhatri Festival. 
After the all-male edition of last winter, DANZARE LA TERRA returns female, reinforced by the experience of Maristella Martella at the Tantidhatri International Women’s Performing Arts Festival in India.


Facebook pages:
Informations/ registrations: 

tel: +39 0833 1934322 mob: +39 349 2561471 (Laura) 

For more information abot theses events :
- Call 07 74 25 77 86 or contact us via the contact form
- Visit &
Events in Bergamo, Hostelbro, Orvieto, Corsano and Spain are being sponsored by other host organizations. Proceeds From these events will go to support the Sanatan Siddhashram project, and Serenade Étoiles gratefully supports these organizations in hosting Parvathy.

Madhukori, in the Baul tradition, is the practice of going to villages and receiving alms in exchange for singing poems of love and longing to the Divine. The word madhukori  means “gathering honey” and refers to the nectar brought by bees to the beehive. In a similar way, the traditional wandering Bauls nourished the hearts of villagers with song and brought back to their communities gifts of rice and vegetables as well as  respect and gratitude.


The objective of the "EUROPE TOUR 2019", is to raise funds for the construction of a baul school, which will also be a space for compiling archives of tradition.

All the proceeds from the concerts will go towards serving the mission entrusted to Parvathy by her master, Sri Sanatan Das Thakur Baul. Thus, she is following the Madhukori tradition of the itinerant Baul singers.



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Dust has gathered

over a long time

on the mirror of the heart
Please let it become clean

with embracing compassion
May the raging fires of the world
Be quenched

by the pure waters of calmness.
The white light of pure auspiciousness
Like moonbeams,
sing the song of joy.

From the Shikshashtakam,

written by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabu

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