Lyrics of the baul song "Ache Manush Manushete"
Dernière mise à jour : 22 janv. 2021
- Nitai Khyapa

Guru Sri Nitai Khyapa, Pic by: Carol Solomon ( collection from Sanatan Baba)
The inner Man plays within this human body.
One who recognizes can find him
He is in the form of ego Self and the conscious Self
He dwells in the conscious Self.
A man is a stealer
but the inner Man is in this human
does anyone know and speak about it?
Man hides in the human
To elude the human.
Inner man is in this human body
The Man is the puppeteer and the puppet
Man goes to Man
To find the path to inner Man.
Man is crooked
Man is simple
Man is ghost
Man is the Samman
Man is king
Man is his followers
Man worships Man.
Man is religious
Man is criminal
Man is a pet of a Man
Man is Guru, Man is disciple
He is seen in the subtle.
Man is rude
Man is polite
Man is hell
Man is pure
Man is free and the Man is in his prison
In the bondages of Man.
Man is cruel
Man is kind
Someone is the employer
Someone is the employee
Krishna took the form of Man
And came to Nadia.
Man is father
Man is mother
Man is sister
Man is brother
Son, friend, wife and daughter
All weaved in the same thread of Love.
Lord Narayana took the form of a Man
And he became Nara Narayana in Dwapara age
He incarnated in all ages
In the form of Man.
Man kills Man
Man arrests Man
Man heals Man
Whether in freedom or in bondage.
Man sinks
Man floats
Man cries
Man laughs
Man goes
Man comes
To perform his Karma.
If you want to find the inner Man
Then oh Man, surrender to the feet of a Man
Khyapa Nityo says meditate everyday
At the feet of the Man. Translated by Parvathy Baul